Day 40 Sandusky to Burton, Ohio

Day 40 Sandusky to Burton, Ohio

Miles today 92.4
Total miles so far 2834.4
Average today 17.2
Starting at dawn again, we rode along Lake Erie to Cleveland today through Avon Lake, Bay Village, and Rocky River before entering downtown Cleveland. On a cool, spectacularly sunny day, we went by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, through the University Circle area, and out through Sara’s old stomping grounds in Chagrin Falls before finishing in Burton at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.
This was a family/fraternity reunion day for me and it did not disappoint! My sister-in-law ,Jane and niece Christy picked me up and whisked me over to Danny Boys restaurant in Chesterland where Nephew Mark Svette , wife Suzanne and daughters Grace, Alethia and Margaret were waiting along with Miami PhiPsi frat brothers Brad Gair, Al Schnagle, and Jim and Dan Hickey. Truly this night was a highlight of the trip as we all laughed and ate and reminisced about the good old days and I told them all about my trip. It sure was hard to go back to that tent !
One sad note from today was the crash of Big Rider Martha as she got swallowed up in a slanting crack in the road, went down hard breaking her helmut , straining her shoulder and had to go to the hospital for a CAT scan and other X-rays. She is ok but will need a day or two to get back on the bike. We are all just so glad she is going to be ok!

Day 39 Rest? In Sandusky

Day 39 Rest? In Sandusky

You decide! Up at six , which is sleeping in for Big Riders, breakfast a three mile ride away, on a shuttle to Cedar Point by 8:30, ride five world class roller coasters, meet up with Holly , Pat and the kids for three hours at Soak City, back to the KOA for laundry, down the road again for dinner, repack for the next day, fall into bed at 8:30. Rest is over-rated!